Crystal clear water. LSS designed by AES
Walrus pool in the Polar Exhibit whilst it is emptied to facilitate upraded LSS improvements designed by AES
The OPC Grand Aquarium After Commissioning
Amazing Asian animals
Outside view of Grand Aquarium
Amazing Asian animals thermal tent
Marine mammal breeding and rehabilitation facility, automation and control room
Models used by Ocean Park Corporation in the early design stages of their redevelopment program
Models used by Ocean Park Corporation in the early design stages of their redevelopment program
Foam fractionator venturis at MMBRF
Insulated cold water LSS equipment by AES design
Bank of foam fractionators at Grand Aquarium, Ocean Park designed by AES
Upgraded plumbing at OPC polar exhibit
Main circulating pumps at Grand Aquarium. LSS designed by AES
Chiller system for MMBRF
Early construction work on the new under-gravel filter in the base of the Sharks Mystique Aquarium
Early LSS Design Drawings for The Sharks Mystique Aquarium LSS
Dolphin Breeding and Rehabilitation Centre
Dolphin Breeding and Rehabilitation Centre
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Ocean Park

Ocean Park Corporation is in the final stages of a major redevelopment in Hong Kong.

AES have been involved with most of these developments including:

The Sea Lion Holding Facility

The Vet Hospital

Amazing Asian Animals

The Marine Mammal Breeding and Rehabilitation Centre

The Grand Aquarium

Athol Reef / Sharks Alive

AES provided exhibit design advice relating to all aspects of the animal husbandry and general building considerations.

AES also provided a full design and documentation service including component procurement advice, LSS component design and manufacture, installation advice and contractor supervision and contract administration along with supervision of systems commissioning, biological maturation and staff training.